Roborigger 定向器主要功能 :
* 無線遠端遙控,平均可遙控距離150公尺(433Mhz)
* 可用在風速較高( 25-30 公里/小時)的操作環境
* 遙控器可設定有 2 個預設方向記憶,在現場可以簡化重複操作,節省時間提高效率
* 電池供電,可持續使用至少 12 小時
* 可以整合負載管理 (選項)
* 具有靜態影像捕捉和視訊串流功能的能力
Roborigger 定向器
Roborigger 定向器是一種透過起重設備的吊鉤或勾環連接到起重機鋼索鋼纜的遠端遙控控制方向的機器設備。
Roborigger 定向器可以控制物件吊裝的方向,並且可以將其維持固定在適當的位置方向,無論風向如何也可以維持固定方向,這意味著不再需要地面的索具吊裝人員(Rigger)來控制管理吊裝物件的旋轉或著陸,經濟又安全。
== 不同型號可供選擇 ==

ROBORIGGER products allow lifted loads to be oriented and landed without the need for people to be in the vicinity of the load. The orientation of the load is controlled with a remote control. This reduces the risk to personnel and will save lives. Roborigger also eliminates the need for tag lines on loads and significantly improves operational efficiency.
Operations can be usually be performed with one less person as there is no requirement for a person to hold tag lines to orient the load. Lifting operations are faster as no tag lines need to be attached or removed and because loads are oriented in the air during the lift transit and can be lowered immediately once the position has been reached. Roborigger also allows tasks that are challenging because of poor or unsafe access to be performed easily and safely. Loads with large windage such as panels can be lifted in stronger winds giving significantly increased crane utilization. These significant and quantifiable cost savings will pay back in under 1 year.
The ROBORIGGER system uses inertial and gyroscopic forces to rotate the load. It is controlled wirelessly using a handheld remote. ROBORIGGER can be used in manual mode using the rotate clockwise and /counterclockwise buttons or it can store 2 headings and rotate the load to either heading using a single button press. Roborigger will maintain the true heading of the load continuously regardless of wind or crane slewing.
ROBORIGGER can be fitted with an electric hook that allows the operator to release the load remotely by wireless. The system has inbuilt safeguards to prevent inadvertent release. Roborigger includes a video camera and load cell and is fully internet connected by wifi or 3g/4g so that all lifts are recorded on the internet database complete with date, time, location, weight and a high resolution image. Load ID can also be recorded. The IOT platform provides extensive statistics analysis of the operations and is a key tool to support improvements to operational efficiency. Monthly operational and productivity reports are produced automatically.

Roborigger CEO Mr. Derick Markwell stands at aside of AR15
== 不同客製化吊具 可供選擇 ==
Dynamic Positioning (DP) may be the most important shipboard navigation system since the compass.” - Professional Mariner, Journal of the Maritime Industry.
Dynamic positioning (DP) is a computer-controlled system to automatically maintain a vessel's position and heading by using its own propellers and thrusters. Position reference sensors, combined with wind sensors, motion sensors and gyrocompasses, provide information to the computer pertaining to the vessel's position and the magnitude and direction of environmental forces affecting its position. Examples of vessel types that employ DP include ships and semi-submersible mobile offshore drilling units (MODU), oceanographic research vessels, cable layer ships, offshore wind farm installation vessels, and cruise ships.
When performing lifting operations, the objects will change in height and direction during the transportation process of the crane, causing the objects to rotate and may hit people or other external structures, causing losses and personal injuries. Therefore, it is necessary to use a special dynamic positioner for a safe lifting operations for stabilizing lifting objects.
Roborigger 定向器
Roborigger 定向器是一種透過起重設備的吊鉤或勾環連接到起重機鋼索鋼纜的遠端遙控控制方向的機器設備。
Roborigger 定向器可以控制物件吊裝的方向,並且可以將其維持固定在適當的位置方向,無論風向如何也可以維持固定方向,這意味著不再需要地面的索具吊裝人員(Rigger)來控制管理吊裝物件的旋轉或著陸,經濟又安全。
A foot pedal control can be provided to allow the operation to be controlled by the crane operator. GO TO mode allows 2 pre-set orientations A and B to be saved. A single button press then reorientates the load. This requires the optional 10 button remote control. This is ideal for repetitive operations such as loading a ship.
GO TO mode allows 2 pre-set orientations A and B to be saved. A single button press then reorientates the load. This requires the optional 10 button remote control. A foot pedal control can be provided to allow the operation to be controlled by the crane operator. This is ideal for repetitive operations such as loading a ship.
The 35t unit can be upgraded to 50t unit by adding bolt on extensions to the upper spreader and a dedicated lifting bridle. The 50t load can then be connected to the ends of the upper spreader. The unit still retains its 35t capacity using the swivel and bihook.
Roborigger IoT & Remote Monitoring (Optional item):
Message History
Shows the complete information on all lifting operations. The application allows data to be filtered to find a specific event or load lift, as well as downloaded in database or Excel formats for more detailed analysis. Key information available:
* Still images of every load
* Location, time and date of each lifting operation, including the weight of the load
* Record of all lifting events such as load lifts, set down.
* Relevant equipment diagnostic information such as battery, motor temperature, machine faults.
* Automatic account of safety incidents such as topple and impact.
Roborigger IoT & Remote Monitoring (Optional item):
Productivity Dashboard
Highlights lifting productivity patterns such the total number of lifts, lifts per hour and the total load lifted over a period of time. Customised visualisation requirements can be produced from available data.
Roborigger IoT & Remote Monitoring (Optional item):
Unit Status
The device monitoring page aimed at giving information on a specific Roborigger unit including location, battery percentage and motor temperature.
== Various Lifting Operation ==
== Roborigger protecst riggers' working safety ==